Other Incentive Programs that Work with SR&ED

BC IDMTC The BC IDMTC works in conjunction with the federal SR&ED program. Claimants must renounce BC SR&ED however it almost invariably works better for gaming companies and others that qualify for the BC IDMTC. There are a few reasons for this: the qualifying expenditures typically represent a broader base of expenditures, since they include …

Federal Programs

The federal government has programs specific to agriculture, industrial research and sustainable development. For the most part these programs represent government assistance – which means companies can claim them along side SR&ED – however SR&ED benefits are typically reduced. For an example of how SR&ED works with GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE see the spreadsheet related to COVID …


The COVID 19 pandemic has given rise to unprecedented challenges for many small businesses. In response the federal government in particular, has stepped up with generous incentives. Typically the incentives themselves are taxable – and generally can be claimed in conjunction with SR&ED incentives.